Shweta Prasad: Former Bollywood child star says she is one of ... - The Independent
Viernes, 05 de Septiembre de 2014 09:53
The IndependentShweta Prasad: Former Bollywood child star says she is one of ...The IndependentMiss Prasad won the National Film Award for Best Child Artist for the role but has not appeared in a Bollywood film for eight years. Although she appeared in several other, less successful, films in the mid-2000s, she moved into television soaps ...Former Bollywood child star arrested in prostitution Bollywood child star Shweta Prasad arrested in prostitution ...Daily MailShweta Basu Prasad, Child Star of 2002 Bollywood Hit, Arrested for ...NDTVMid-Day -The Eastern Tribune -India Todaylos 150 artículos informativos »

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