Twitter blames Anushka Sharma for Team India's defeat, Bollywood ... - Times of India
Viernes, 27 de Marzo de 2015 16:08
Times of IndiaTwitter blames Anushka Sharma for Team India's defeat, Bollywood ...Times of IndiaThe knee-jerk reaction of trashing Anushka Sharma for India's loss at the semis had a bigger and opposite reaction from those who jumped to her defence. Bollywood peers and tweeple with common sense, both #gaveitback to the trolls. As soon as Virat ...Anushka Sharma Finds Support in Bollywood Celebs After Being ...NDTVSports.comStop blaming Anushka Sharma: Bollywood on India's World Cup lossIBNLiveBollywood support pours in for Anushka Sharma! (read tweets) (press release) (blog)India Today -NDTV -Bollywood Lifelos 393 artículos informativos »

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